


Colours splashed from east to west
Crisp air tingling my skin.
This is the time I love the best
Spending time with him.
He becons me into his arms of rest
To stay through the nights long hours
He helped me pass the days severe test
As I count the blessings he Showers.
Tis the sunset so sweet it is
As nature’s syphoney swells
As I consider A new how
wonderfully I am blest
On this gold and red sunset.


Neil Granger

Inner voice

Inner voice


Go easy on me
I am fragile and weak
The road has been long
And the goal I seek
Alludes me as a mirage
Or highest peak
Go easy on me
When you speak


Neil Andrew Granger



In this enchanted moment

You offer to me this part

Of you when in nuptial bliss

You took your first kiss

Your inner beauty shone

In rays about your face.


Still you give unconsciously

A gift time will never fade,

Lady your glow.

Neil Andrew Granger

Let it Go

Let it go,

Don’t hold the

Hurt any longer.

Release it and

Your heart will.

Grow stronger

If your mind wonders

Over the dry land of

Parched dreams, receive the

Rain that healing brings.


What is bottled up

Within you release;

Your true friends are

Waiting to bring succour

And relief as gifts of

Their love for you.


Neil Andrew Granger



The bleak night

Followed by the day.

Although you feel it

Helpless try to continue on.


Let hope stay by

Your side so close

It becomes the air

You breathe.


Do not become

Suffocated by despondency,

Grey skies will turn blue

The sun will follow the rain.

Neil Andrew Granger



When I feel low

There is only way

To go and that is up.

Through dirt

And grime I climb

And find myself

On a mountain side,

Looking up.

That is how I wish

My life to be,

Always thinking up.

Neil Andrew Granger

Gracious Giver

Gracious Giver

Soul of generosity

Your spirit gives

From the wealth

Within your heart.

A storehouse full

Of finest motives

Priceless as the

Rare works of art.


From this well inside

Your being a spring

Overflows watering the

Tender plants that grow

Up beside you they know

Of your compassion

And the great giver also.

Neil Andrew Granger



A golden flower on a tree

A lamp of peace

And serenity, for a moment

I stand in awe while its

Perfect beauty teachers me.

I need not reach dazzling

Heights or touch the sky in

Starry flight. All there is for

Me to do is let my beauty

Reach from me to you.

Neil Andrew Granger

Firefly Dream

Firefly Dream

Oh! Little lights you fly by

Night hold me close and

Make it right. With your

Angel wings abuzz light my

Way through all this fuzz.


Oh, little fireflies of mystery

with winks and dashes of

integrity let my life with

mentors be always there to

inspire me. I in passion shall

live my life guided by Your



Neil Andrew Granger



Baby wrapped in

Swaddling clothes

Soft innocence

Embalmed in love.


We are the ones

Who brought

You here to this

Fallen paradise above.


Gradually you

Shall blossom

Into what you

May become.


As sure as rain

Falls to the earth

Opening up new

Fern fronds.


Thoughts of ecstasy

Our constant delight,

When you were first

Felt in our bodies

The wonderful night.


Our gift, given

To us from loves

Storehouse within;

You have given us

Yourself something

More beautiful than

Material things.


Neil Andrew Granger

True Calling

True Calling

This moment


When in doubt

Reminisce on it.


The higher purpose

Exists above fleeting

Feelings which ebb

And, flow.


Those around you

Know when upon

Your face it glows.


Neil Andrew Granger



The spring time of

Our love has turned

Into the summer

Of our joy.


There is warmth

Still to feel

In the beauty

Of a falling leaf

As the laughter

Lines appear.


In the gift of love

For all the seasons

Each and every year.

Neil Andrew Granger




Hold no more

The pain within

Let it go.


Release the stones

Intent to hurl,

Don’t keep them

Let them fall.


Burn the ledger

Of past wrongs

Place the ashes

In an urn;

Bury them


Deep within,

The sacred place

Of a healing heart.


Neil Andrew Granger



Talk to me

Of this day

How good it feels

To be free from



Speak to me

Of the hope

The future has

While we live

Our dreams


Neil Andrew Granger