Light speed down the railroad 😉
I always wanted to try this technique, its pretty simple, just zoom the lens whilst the shutter is open – a couple of tips, which i will use next time (i learnt the hard way) to hopefully improve it.
– carefully zoom so not to move the camera/lens, otherwise you get non-straight zooming stars 🙂
– time the zoom sequence to fill up the shutter speed, also try starting slow and speeding up to create a ramp down effect.
– slightly defocus the lens to get more prominent zoomage
you basically need 3 shots for this , one with the zooming star trails, one for the foreground and one for the sky (under the zoomage), simply stack and mask out the zoomage where it kits the foreground, otherwise it looks like gamma rays.. you know the ones that past thru everything…or is that alpha rays? anyway, you get the idea.
3 shots
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm
Shot 1 (foreground, twilight ) Aperture: f/9.5 and Shutter Speed: 1/3 seconds
ISO: 100
Shot 2 (background) Aperture: f/2.8 and Shutter Speed: 45.5 seconds
ISO: 3200
Shot 3 (zoomage) Aperture: f/2.8 and Shutter Speed: 45.5 seconds
ISO: 3200 with lens zooming
Lovely jubbly and thanks for looking – I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed and always appreciate the time people take to have a look, plus and/or comment.
Nice work +Gerard Blacklock !
love it 🙂
Entering the star gate :-)) Thanks for explaining the technique that you have used for this photo
Very coo! Thanks for the tips!
Stunning shot !
Nice work and explanation +Gerard Blacklock
Very nice I have never seen this technique before, I'll have to try this
WOW!! Outstanding pic Gerard!!
Cool – Warp 9.99 🙂
Really amazing. Thanks for sharing your technique 🙂
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Thank you , Enjoy your day !
(Nancy Dempsey)
love this!
Genial! I tried this effect with the illuminated bridge in Sydney last summer … but nothing compares to the smoothness and quality of your result!
This is a very beautiful composition again, your photos are fantastic!
Love this +Gerard Blacklock how did you manage to keep the zoom constant for 45sec!?
I've never done this +Gerard Blacklock but I will definitely give it a try. Theoretically, if you had a larger zoom range of the lens would you get longer and more pronounced trails?
pretty cool +Gerard Blacklock !! You picked a great spot, too!
Thanks mate. +九葵蒼志狼
Cheers +Olav de With , hope all is well on your side of the planet.
Thanks +Bill Pevlor and no probs.
Thankyou +sophie DIDIER, +Nishant Balwan , +Denis Therien (be sure to tag me, i would like to see the results)
Thanks +Linda J
Thanks +Walter Gawronski 🙂
Thanks +BTP Landscape Pro , +Glen Anderson and +Pamela Barber
Thanks +Christele Alonso , it does have many uses, the bright lights of the city also works well, although I admit I have never done that but have seen some very good examples.
+Ben Ashmole
, give it a crack! yeah a long zoom range would be heaps better – i only have 11-16 but something like a 16-35 on full frame would be perfect i reckon. This will give you longer trails but I reckon you still need to defocus slightly to widen up the trail.
+Linda Stokes Thanks,
lucky find on the location 🙂 i could not have planned a location like that!
Thanks +mariana alexandru and +Bonita Johnston
+Mike Hankey
, it took a couple of goes to get it right and its pretty easy with a small zoom range like the 11-16, basically i just counted it out for the 45secs, you can see it sat at each end of the zoom range for a bit longer as depicted by the larger bright points at each end of the trail/zoomage.
The first one I did was all wonky and looked crap 😉
Very cool image. Well done.
Gamma rays. 😉 Alpha is blocked with the thickness of a piece of paper.
Love this and so glad you decided to give it a try! 🙂
Great perspective on this shot. Not your traditional star trail.
I love most photos that are authentic and which are not built the with various techniques. +Gerard Blacklock .
It did work well mate
This wonderful image has been chosen to be shared on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward +David Tomek +Ed Cobb +John Hunt and +Gerard Blacklock (Photo Mania Australia is a part of +Photo Mania Global) John Hunt
Nice work!
Here comes Warp Speed!
Thankyou for having a a look and commenting
+Scott Soucy
+Claudette Boucher
+Danica Macanga
+Anatoly Magerovsky
+Rodney Campbell (needs some refinement)
+Photo Mania Australia
+Robert Zidlicky
+Ronald Varley 🙂
+Marian Murdoch
cheers for the clarification, I was hoping someone would know off the top of their head, its been a few years since i did physics which btw is a awesome subject and wish I had more opportunity to study it further.
Nice blended nature's photography. Thank you.
Just amazing
Neat effect +Gerard Blacklock
so cool man… +Gerard Blacklock
thanks +Panduranga G L
Thanks +Kat Reed
+Phillip Tyson
cheers mate
thanks Joey +Joey Varco