Old Wood

Darn hard shot to compose – I was squatted down under some very wet branches trying to get a enough perspective on the falls to eliminate that bright sky, camera was nearly on the ground and in the end I had to crop some off the top to remove the blown out mass of white up there anyway. Even with a bracketed exposure there was too much dynamic range in the light so I let it go free 😉

In anycase it does leave the opportunity for the log so shine and be the star actor in the image, nicely done loggy 🙂 and fully supported by a team of orange leaves

3 frame manually blended image
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: 8s (mid frame) 2s (the upper falls and bright area) 30s shadows and under rocks 🙂
out front – screw in circular polariser and hard wood.

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.

60 thoughts on “Old Wood

  1. As always, you made a beautiful composition and photo out of it. Thanks for the exif. That's a big difference between the shutter speeds. I appreciate knowing that as a learning tool for me.

  2. Thanks +Betty A , the difference in the shutter speeds only equates 2 or 3 stops of light difference, when I am feeling lazy I use the automatic bracketing function in my camera, but otherwise I normally manually change the shutter to capture several images to ensure I have covered all the bright and dark bits in the scene. Happy to help if you have any questions 🙂

  3. thanks +Bas Wolff
    I manually blend using Adobe Photoshop, i typically load the images into a stack then simply mask various areas with varying degrees of feathering and opacity to achieve the view that I saw when I was there. I am not sure on your skill level of processing so if somethings not clear I am sure I can point you the direction of some good learning resources 🙂

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