The Love Triangle.

Brace yourself for a jamb-packed experience. Why? Because these door puns are simply unhinged.
When is a door not a door? when it’s ajar
I have replaced a few doors recently, they are most straight and can now appreciate a good door pun.
Here’s some cool doors near my place and some graf as well.
Check out the bin with the bin juice tap…
One day I will do a review of all the best places to stop on the drive up the coast, however for now lets start with one place not to stop š
Well thats probably a bit harsh, probably just a place not to my liking, I am skeptical of anything with the word artisan in it especially coming from the inner west of sydney which is full of places masquerading as artisan š anyway this is a bakery, location to remain unnamed, you will know it if you see it š which probably does have some artisan qualities, however when it costs over 7 bucks for a coffee (with oatmilk – did i mention I’m from the inner west ?) I kinda draw the line… and with my own keepcup too… even my local coffee place in the inner west does not charge this much…and gives me a discount for bringing my own cup.
so a place to stop, go visit the birds, these ones are at the Cattai Wetlands, no coffee but they do have flushing toilets š and the serenity will certainly keep you sane in the traffic on the road that is our national east coast highway š
The pelican by the way refused to move, hence only one picture of him.
Bogan Stars.
Sitting out here in the pitch black with all my micro bat friends and a few stars at this cool little spot at the end of Dunbogan Beach. If your keen you can walk all the way along this beach and you will get to Crowdy Head National Park.
The geology in this area is also very interesting, this clump of rocks in the ocean that I was sitting on are a type of conglomerate sedimentary rock with really neat seams in it, hard on the ass, but interesting none the less.
The bright light on the horizon is the moon as it was setting.
Why did the phone go to jail?
It was charged with battery.
(or.. it truly was a cell phone)