Rooted Dreams

Towra Point v2

Rarely do I revisit a location twice in the space of a couple of weeks, however I really wanted to check out this place at high tide, thus it called me for another quick visit and the tidal times worked out nicely – it did however result in very wet feet since the only way to get there was to wade thru calf deep water – alittle disconcerting when its dark and navigating by torchlight. I even walked right past my little subject tree since i did not recognise it with all the water around!

The previous shot of a similar composition is here :

Single frame
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11.5mm Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 297.1s
out front – LEE Bigstopper, LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.

20 thoughts on “Rooted Dreams

  1. Thankyou for taking the time to look and comment, its very much appreciated.
    +Janice Liddle
    +Claudette Boucher
    +Mike Hankey (yeah, i really should try the same locations more often 🙂 )
    +Jeremy Thies
    +BTP Landscape Pro , +Nancy Dempsey
    +Best Top Photographer Group , +Jean-Philippe Jouve
    +Silke Tüxen
    +Linda J
    +Helena Smith , your too sweet 🙂
    +Jena Fabre
    +Double Shot thanks Ed – sometimes I feel the need to go hard since there are so many shots of the same things in sydney, its hard to get something different.

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