Softness is

Softness is - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: 15s
ISO 100
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and Hoya CPL and a barrel load of sea spray.

sea spray on your filter / lens

Its always a battle when there is a onshore breeze, for every wave its a continuous cycle of shoot, and then wipe the filter down… on this particular day I felt like that bird trying to crack a nut on the rock, only have it roll down into the creek after each crack at it. Unlike the bird, which learnt and moved to a new rock, I did not, I simply kept doing the same thing…shoot then wipe 😉

Anyway after much filter cleaning and post processing clonage, I got to a point where I was somewhat happy with the result.

Exif love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: 15s
ISO 100
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and Hoya CPL and a barrel load of sea spray.

30 thoughts on “Softness is

  1. +Gerard Blacklock, haha, been there before & know how you feel! Gets worse once the sun breaks the horizon. I have some images with ghastly flare as a result! One tip I picked up from Ken Duncan was to take an old T-shirt and cover the camera between shots to minimise spray on lens and/or filter. Certainly makes cleaning easier. Love the result you got here! Once again patience and perseverance have paid off!

  2. +Gerard Blacklock Congratulations! Your wonderful photo deserves promotion, please add it to your BTP Photo Gallery. From there we can promote it on Google+ and eventually it might become featured in our Top-Photo-Gallery or website's Front Page. You find the submit link on the right side of our website, if you encounter difficulties please use the help-desk, also visible on the BestTopPhotographer website.
    Thanks in advance for your submission.
    Rodolfo Seide

  3. Lol +Gerard Blacklock​​ I now have a renewed respect for you beach photographer's. I had a try myself at Turner's Beach headland up at Yamba the other day. On shore winds as well and only had one small microfiber cloth to wipe away the constant spray. The cleanup was massive (Im still trying to get the spots off my Hoya HD UV filter) Im just hoping I got some usable frames out of it as it was a beautiful spot 🙂

  4. Great image! I like the "T" shirt idea too. I just love the look and feel of salt spray on my camera…I aways carry a handful of the alcohol swabs to wipe the camera down after coming off a wet salty area.
    I sometimes cover my working filter with an old junk filter that I remove between shots. With Lee filters it's four times the frustration!

  5. +Tom Testone
    thanks mate, yeah when that sunlight huts the filter, it shows up every little imperfection and bit of mist 🙁
    That's a great idea about the tee shirt, but I will raise it one further 🙂 I think one of my 14month yro singlets would be the perfect size to slip over the filter and lens, I am sure she will not mind if I borrow a few 🙂
    Thanks for the comment mate.

  6. Thanks +Steve Martin that's a good idea with the swabs – i tend to only give it a good going over if its been particularly moist or wet session, also a good idea with the junk filter. Another idea for the Lee filters would be a piece of plastic the same size as the filter to go in the front slot (when using only one filter)

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