Anyone who is in Sydney and takes the occasional landscape image knows about this location, its no wonder its popular, sunset and sunrise positions are easy to get to, you can park your car 2 minutes away and makes a great location (and free) for the wedding photographers. I suspect just about every angle on the island and the little castle has been beaten over the head however I still find it a nice place to go and more importantly, they always have a icecream truck there 🙂
If anyone is interested, Sunday the 28th (april) there is the Battle of Bare island which has some cool battle re-enactments, canon and musket firing.
+Visit NSW +Sydney
curated by +Jarek Klimek
+HQSP Landscape by +Rodolfo Seide +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft and +Lani Banadera
+Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Ben T +jeff beddow +Tom Hierl +Vishal Kumar +Michael Blyde +Carolyn Lim +Steve Gould +Jay Gould