
The not so secret falls

There are a number of really sweet waterfalls in Sydney which really come to life with a bit of rain, I have had this little falls on my radar for some time, commonly titled the secret falls since there is no signage to or about the falls. FYI, its on Mcarrs Creek Road 🙂

This place has lots of really nice compositions and its pretty easy to get around the falls without falling on ya bum (although i did ..twice – i blame slippery sneakers 🙂 ) its also a 2 minute walk from teh road which means its quickly accessible, perfect for you waterfall fix really 🙂

Even with lots of sweet cloud cover its still a tricky scene to capture since the dynamic range is still quick large, for this image i stitched together 4 frames (bracketed, ie 12 shots altogether), i used PTGUI to generate my .psd file which contained 3 stitched layers, this was then brought into CS6 and the layers manually blended together followed by my usual processing.

Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 13mm- Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: 1.5s, 6s and 20s
out front -Hoya screw in circular polariser and neutral density filter (3 stops).
I don't need to say it but, view large, lifes better at full res (or close to)