Boats r us

and why they are better than shopping trolleys

Where ever you drive in Norway there is always some form of water course and sure as another tunnel will come up in the drive there is always a boat moored in teh middle of nowhere. They seem to float about waiting for some to jump in and go somewhere, maybe here, across the fjord to the village…

So what does this have to do with trolleys? well these boats are everywhere, like trolleys at my local shopping centre – caution rant ahead – but unlike these nice little boats which seem to be moored anywhere, trolleys left anywhere (except in the designated trolley bay) at the shopping centre are a pita and those who can't be arsed pushing their trolley the 4 metres to the trolley bay deserved to have a thousand trolleys rain down in their front yard 🙂 I do my shopping late on a week night, best time ever, no crowds, no queues and always specials on perishables 🙂 the other night I noticed a couple push their trolley to their car, unload it, leave the trolley immediately behind the car and drive off – it was literally 5 metres to the trolley bay :-/ anyways, sure enough, 30 seconds after they drive off, it was like a magically trolley devil intervention, the trolley rolls back into the car on the other side of the carpark road :-/

So, if you go to a shopping centre, be sure to put your trolley in the bay and don't hesitate to put some other clowns incorrectly left trolley in the bay..even better take your kids for a spin in it on the way to the trolley bay (I can't confirm or deny doing circle work in a woolies trolley on the top level 😉 )

Rant finished – onto the image – heres a nice picture of a fjord with one of the many little boats waiting for someone to go an explore the snowcapped hills. 5 shot panorama.