*Wheres Wally i mean windmilly'

pick the odd man out:)

There was this awesome sign near here which said:


I noticed the sign some time ago and planned to get a shot of it, however life etc got in the way and also stopping on a road with some rather large roadtrains on it seemed not so appealing 🙂

The liverpool plains are the site of a proposed Coal mine, well it was apparently proposed back in 2008-ish when the then minister Ian Macdonald was around.. and we all know who well he handled coal mines in NSW lol.. nice one dude, corrupt much? anyways .. fastforward to now and apparently they are only gonna mine up above the level of the fertile soil of the Liverpool plains, aka the food bowl…that sounds like a excellent plan… on paper.. :-/

Its no wonder that people are so jaded by the whole mining issue now and at the and of the day it seems so hard to make a educated decision when there is so much spin and stuff that happens behind the scenes and you really can't know whos got whos hand in whos pocket…

Well anyway, here's a picture of the plains in its glory, taken with a favourite little lens of mine the nikkor 135mm f2.8, not quite as good as my 105mm f2.5 however on full frame this lens has been stellar and the sharpness quite incredible. The 105mm still beats it in contrast and rendition imo tho.

3 shot pano.. or was it 4 ? oh well it had a few shots stitched together and it seemed appropriate to convert it to monochrome.

ya gotta view it large, its all there in full res too..

Exif love:
D750 coupled with 135mm f2.8 @ 135mm Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/640s
EV -0.3
ISO 200
out front – Hoya CPL


+Landscape Photography