Leofoto Panoramic Kit LEP-01

Leofoto Panoramic Kit LEP-01

Natural Bridge, Springbrook National Park, QLD, Australia Leofoto LEP-01 D750 with Nikkor 17-35 f2.8 @ 26mm and Hoya Circular Polariser Shutter speed: 1s (normal exp), 8s (over exposed) and 1/8s (under exposed) Aperture: f/8 ISO 100

Natural Bridge, Springbrook National Park, QLD, Australia
Leofoto LEP-01
D750 with Nikkor 17-35 f2.8 @ 26mm and Hoya Circular Polariser
Shutter speed: 1s (normal exp), 8s (over exposed) and 1/8s (under exposed)
Aperture: f/8
ISO 100

If you had asked me a few years back whether using a panoramic setup was worth the effort, the answer would have been pretty well no. However I have come to realise there are a few niche areas of photography which can only be done with a pano kit.I use that term, ‘can only be done’ pretty loosely, probably a more accurate way to put it is, ‘using a pano kit can really improve the ease, speed and post processing of panoramic images’. Its pretty amazing what post processing you can now do to wrangle and stitch images into a panoramic format and correct distortion, but the use of pano kit can in quite a few cases pay for it self in time savings alone. Not to mention those cases where no amount of magic stitching software will work, architecture for example or even landscape scenes with a mix of close and far objects and lots of straight lines, a panoramic image of a jetty comes to mind.

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