Thursday Burn – Sydney Park Skyline

Thursday Burn-(C) 2019 Gerard Blacklock, all rights reserved

Thursday Burn-(C) 2019 Gerard Blacklock, all rights reserved

There is alot of pain in the world, but this week seems a bit worse, in the space of a couple days in Oz we have a had:

A crazy crash on the M5 motorway killing one child in a car with another one not far off – drove past that in the opposite direction and i wondered how anyone would walk away from that (3 cars and a truck).
One of two twins dying in their parents bed, the second fithing for their life still..
2 young children, toddler and baby perishing in a locked car (QLD) and another in a separate car…

Storm Runner Triptych

The basic concept of a triptych is to link or tell a story with the images, for me, i started with triptychs mainly since I could never decide on what image I liked out of a series, this has morphed into triptychs that mostly follow the landscape or, more likely a series of images of the kids which lays out what happened 🙂

Sometimes, and only sometimes, do a get a few images that are related and when combined create a story or a link.

I reckon this is one such example, now whilst the viewer may not know the 3 images are all from the same location but basically lookign in different directions, this fact is not really important to anyone else but me. In this image the flow of the land lines up between the images to form a landscape, the seat and the building create points of interest and raise question marks for the viewer, the middle image throws in the human context and links the two.

Taken at Sydney Park, one of the City of Sydney Councils success stories, lets hope the west connex interchange that they are putting next door does not stuff it up 🙂

3 images
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 mm f2.8 @ 24mm Aperture: f8 and Shutter Speed: 1/50s
ISO 400
Out front – umbrella, rain and lclouds

It's a long way to the top

if ya want a rest

3 shot panorama, all birds where there, some got stitched out in the processing, but I could not work out how to get them back 🙂

The things we do for a bit of exercise, its rather amazing how many people will happily trot for a run in the run, thunder and lightning 🙂

D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 mm f2.8 @ 24mm Aperture: f8 and Shutter Speed: 1/50s
ISO 400
Out front – umbrella, rain and lightning.