Sydney Coastline

A slight variation from a recent one which had a very long exposure, this was taken at 14mm (samyang) rather than 16mm (nikkor 16-35) I gotta say that if the samyang could easily (that being the operative word) take filters, like a ND/GND and polariser it would certainly completely replace the 16-35mm, its heaps sharper, and in my opinion has better colour and contrast than the nikkor.. it would be perfect for waterfalls and those really up close and personal seascape shots.

Well in the meantime, using it during the right conditions where no filter is required will have to suffice 😉

Exif / shot love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/11 and Shutter Speed: 1/50 seconds
ISO 100
out front – no filters