the green end at that
So the story has it, the rainbow serpent lived in waterholes and was responsible for shaping and naming significant places in Australia. The thing I find interesting is that its a story that is consistent, with variations across all parts of aboriginal cultural, i also remember as a kid reading a few different versions of the tale. One such one was where the serpent ate lotsa people and while he slept (after eating so many peeps) he slept and the others came up and slit his belly and everyone got out :).. the serpent got cranky after that 🙁
weirded out yet ?
There is much more to it (Rainbow serpent story) than my lame 2 sentences, however the partially exposed rock at low tide with the green moss reminded me of the Rainbow serpent, hence the title.
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 4s
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x and Hoya CPL