There are some really great spots at +Taronga Zoo for getting really close to the birds, i could get so close I could almost knock them birds of the perch 😉
+Wildlife Wednesdays curated by +Mike Spinak , +Morkel Erasmus
+Threatened Thursday curated by +Diego Cattaneo +Sumit Sen +Sandy Schepis +Anette Mossbacher
+Squirrel Saturday curated by +Beth Blackwell +Skippy Sheeskin
+HQSP Animals curated by +Joe Urbz , +Marina Versaci , +Nicole Best
+OneCatADay – Photo Theme Page curated by +Sandra Deichmann
+Whole Wildlife Week curated by +Sandy Schepis , +Dick Whitlock . +Anette Mossbacher and +Diego Cattaneo
+BTP Animal Pro curated by +Rinus Bakker