The many shades of Tamarama

I am finding that my Seascape sessions are no longer complete without some kind of x-tych. Often images that are not strong enough to hold themselves up really shine in concert with others.

Thats making the best of mediocre images for ya 🙂

View large, if at all.

Thanks to +Suren J and +Rodney Campbell for the company.

+Visit NSW
member of +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Wet Wednesday curated by +Jen Baptist
+Whatever Wednesday!!! curated by +Cicely Robin Laing/posts
/ by +Giuseppe Basile and +Mark Esguerra
+SilhouetteSaturday curated by +Naila Ziani
+Sunset Saturday curated by +Dennis Hoffbuhr
+Dawn On Sunday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +linda stokes
+Sky Sunday – Photography Theme curated by +Patrick Scherkenbach and +Randy Scherkenbach
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+Fresh Pics curated by +Trevor Farrell
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor, +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes, +Vincent Dale and +Ali Sadreddini
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins , +Carra Riley , +paul t beard , +David Heath Williams ,
+Bill Wood , +Jim Warthman , +Ben T , +jeff beddow ,+Jeannie Danna , +Tom Hierl ,
+Vishal Kumar

+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
curated by +Jarek Klimek
+***** curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
+Promote Photography

Coming in from the right

Low tide on the rocks beneath 'Glamarama'

+Visit NSW
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+My Town Tuesday curated by +Melanie Kintz and +Jamie Furlong
+Photo Manipulation curated by +Josh Adamski
+SilhouetteSaturday curated by +Naila Ziani
+Sunset Saturday curated by +Dennis Hoffbuhr
+Beach Sunday curated by +Ross Campbell
+Dawn On Sunday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +Sherry McBriar +linda stokes
+Sky Sunday – Photography Theme curated by +Patrick Scherkenbach and +Randy Scherkenbach
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes, +Vincent Dale and +Ali Sadreddini

+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
+***** curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
+Promote Photography