Nothing lasts forever

Nothign Lasts forever - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

Nothign Lasts forever – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/14 and Shutter Speed: 1.3s
Out front: Lee graduated filter (0.9x) and Hoya Circular Polariser.

time is nigh
I do like bold and punchy landscapes, however from time to time I come across a scene where saturation, even as it may well be in reality, does not quite match the scene and also the mood.
This scene of the mangrove appearing to be on the final straight I think needed a saturation level that matched the mood, whilst the pre-sunset colours were shaping up nicely and there was some very tidy warm colours in the upper part of the sky I chose to desaturate the image so that the colour did not detract from the composition, particularly the roots in the foreground.

I found the punchy bold coloured version left me as a viewer missing some of the finer detail, like the texture in the roots and left me in a confused state (not hard on a good day) about the intent.

Techie love:
I actually bracketed this shot and merged the frames, but in revisiting it, i found the single neutral frame was all goo, in terms of dynamic range, the sensor in this camera (D750) is certainly a improvement to that of my older camera (D7000)
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/14 and Shutter Speed: 1.3s
Out front: Lee graduated filter (0.9x) and Hoya Circular Polariser.

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.

Float on

Even if things get heavy we'll all float on alright

I dared not step out further to isolate that little levitating rock for risk of 1) getting wet 2) sliding on my arse on sharp rocks 🙂

Single frame
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/9.5
ISO 100 and Shutter Speed: 175.3s
out front – LEE Graduated Filter 0.9x ,LEE bigstopper and screw in circular polariser and… a the magical levitating rock.

One Chance

Continuing on theme of midday seascapes and long exposures! I was perched up on the headland (seen in the top left of the image) watching a paraglider glide on the updrafts from the old quarry cliffs, he certinaly had more balls than me! There was not that much breeze about and it reminded me of those fake skydiving rigs you can go on, you know,.. the ones where you get in a vertical wind tunnel and balance on the updraft only to roll off it and come crashing down… – anyway he did no crash downt, which was good 🙂
However, back to the original point, as I was up there watching him, I spied this thumping great big, more correctly..a complete tree, roots and all washed up on the beach, i thought 'there's no way I was gonna leave that un-photographed' 🙂 I was however running on borrowed time hence I made the decision to take a single shot, no second chances, one shot, forcing myself to actually stop and think about the shot (which i rarely do 🙂 ), plus it took me 15 minutes to get to the darn thing.
So, the result, I could not get the whole tree in it was that big, hence I ran with misty leading lines of the main trunk, partially buried by the sand.

Single frame
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 182.5s
out front – LEE bigstopper and screw in circular polariser and… a big tree in the middle of the beach.. who would have though 🙂

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed

Life on the edge

Defiance against time

Whilst struggling back to the car with my shoes full of sand I noticed this small little tree standing proudly against the stiff breeze, standing only 4 or so foot high I was nearly laying on the sand to get some perspective on it.

And there you have it, 3 minutes in the life of a little tree perched on the edge of dune.

Single frame
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 182.5s
out front – LEE graduated filter 0.9, LEE bigstopper and screw in circular polariser

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed


Many years ago I graced the skies above this pond, back then there were no houses, no M7 freeway, nothing but a quiet little airfield called Hoxton park. I remember the large old trees to the north of the runway which made life very interesting during crosswinds – what happened….development and housing happened and subsequently the closure of Hoxton Park airfield, a real shame 🙁 I can't remember how many times I eased back on the yoke to clear the hill behind where this photo was taken whilst looking down at what was a sparse western Sydney.

Enough nostalgia 🙂 +Rodney Campbell joined me for sneaky sunset session after work (well only one of us was working 😉 ) at this changing location. I'll definiely be back when there are more favorable sunset conditions.

Techie data:
D7000 with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 16mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter 3seconds
out front – Hoya screw in circular polariser and LEE Graduated Neutral Density Filter

As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed