
As always, its a crime not to view large.

I love the days and the locations which enable me to capture a scene with both the bright warm sunrise/sunset and the incoming (or outgoing) darkness.

Our country needs more reserves and parks like this, these kind of views and country should be accessible to all, not just a select few with the ability to buy land and build on the edge.

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Moody Monday curated by +Philip Daly +Carole Buckwalter +Annelies Kroen
+NatureMonday curated by +Rolf Hicker +Jen Baptist
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+Tree Tuesday curated by +Christina Lawrie +Shannon S. Myers +Allan Cabrera +Ralph Mendoza +Kim Troutman
+Sea Tuesday curated by +Julia Anna Gospodarou
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
+Promote Photography
+Stunning Moment curated by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+Landscape Photos curated by +Robert SKREINER
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+Everything Red curated by +Carra Riley +Donna St. Pierre
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+***** curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker

+Stunning Moment by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins +Britta Rogge

The tree, the shed, the silo and strange clouds

No shortage of grass in this paddock and i suspect, no shortage of tasty snakes either.

Technically, a tricky image to capture, the sun had already passed over the clouds and hence the dynamic range of the scene is quite large, the image is captured by bracketing a number of shots and finally assembling them into a panorama format.

View large.

+Visit NSW
member of www.besttopphotographer.com +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Moody Monday curated by +Philip Daly +Carole Buckwalter +Annelies Kroen
+NatureMonday curated by +Rolf Hicker +Jen Baptist
+Grass Tuesday curated by +Ray Bilcliff +lizett Beltran +Margaret Tompkins
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+Tree Tuesday curated by +Christina Lawrie +Shannon S. Myers +Allan Cabrera +Ralph Mendoza +Kim Troutman
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
+Promote Photography
+1212Scenery curated by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+Landscape Photos curated by +Robert SKREINER
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Valesa Diamontes and +Vincent Dale
+HDR the World curated by +Karl Geiger Jr +Karl Geiger +Gregory Cox +Stanley Harper +Wameq Raza
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker

This is why I take pictures, I love getting out, particularly in nature and being able mix a couple of hobbies, outdoors and photography, something I must remember not to take for granted

you don't even need to go to spectacular locations (although I would not say no to a iceland trip or Antarctica or Hawaii 🙂 ) to see some really great countryside. I am also very lucky to live in a country where I am close to this kind of nature and have the ability to live a comfortable life and pursue a hobby, something a larger portion of the worlds population do not have.

I did try and move that bloody stick.. but thought nah, i should do the right thing and leave it there..

+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Moody Monday curated by +Philip Daly , +Carole Buckwalter
+NatureMonday curated by +Rolf Hicker , +Jen Baptist
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+Tree Tuesday curated by +Christina Lawrie and +Shannon S. Myers
+FlowingWaterFriday curated by +Rolf Hicker and +Kate Church
+DesertSandDay curated by +Tuan Le
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +***** , +Delcour Eric , +Blake Harrold
+HQSP Natural Other curated by +Delcour Eric +Blake Harrold +Rinus Bakker and +Sime Wareham
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins , +Carra Riley , +paul t beard , +David Heath Williams ,
+Bill Wood , +Jim Warthman , +Ben T , +jeff beddow ,+Jeannie Danna , +Tom Hierl ,
+Vishal Kumar
curated by +Jarek Klimek