As always, its a crime not to view large.
I love the days and the locations which enable me to capture a scene with both the bright warm sunrise/sunset and the incoming (or outgoing) darkness.
Our country needs more reserves and parks like this, these kind of views and country should be accessible to all, not just a select few with the ability to buy land and build on the edge.
+Visit NSW
member of +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Moody Monday curated by +Philip Daly +Carole Buckwalter +Annelies Kroen
+NatureMonday curated by +Rolf Hicker +Jen Baptist
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+Tree Tuesday curated by +Christina Lawrie +Shannon S. Myers +Allan Cabrera +Ralph Mendoza +Kim Troutman
+Sea Tuesday curated by +Julia Anna Gospodarou
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
+Promote Photography
+Stunning Moment curated by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T
+Landscape Photos curated by +Robert SKREINER
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+Everything Red curated by +Carra Riley +Donna St. Pierre
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly
+***** curated by +Brian Dukes
+YisforYellow curated by +Lucille Galleli
+BTP Landscape Pro curated by +Nancy Dempsey +Rinus Bakker
+Stunning Moment by +Alycia Miller +Christopher Prins +Britta Rogge