Sydney Park Panorama – what I love about this view is you can see some many facets of the inner west from here. From the Alpha house in Newtown to the Redfern blocks to UNSW and of course the CBD skyline (just the way I like it, a long way away :) )

Processed especially for +#VibrantWednesday curated by +Ajay Hatti

+Visit NSW
+Mountain Monday curated by +Michael Russell
+Moody Monday curated by +Philip Daly , +Carole Buckwalter
+NatureMonday curated by +Rolf Hicker , +Jen Baptist
+LandscapeArtTuesday curated by +Christina Deubel
+Love Wednesday curated by +Pierluigi Failla
+#VibrantWednesday curated by +Ajay Hatti
+#Watch Wednesday curated by +Jiri Papakiriakos
+Whatever Wednesday!!! curated by +Cicely Robin Laing/posts
+DesertSandDay curated by +Tuan Le
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
curated by +Rolf Hicker
+HQSP Landscape curated by +Terrie Gray +Johnny Minor, +Nicolai Neijhoft +Lani Banadera +Aamir Shahzad +Delcour Eric
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins , +Carra Riley , +paul t beard , +David Heath Williams ,
+Bill Wood , +Jim Warthman , +Ben T , +jeff beddow ,+Jeannie Danna , +Tom Hierl ,
+Vishal Kumar
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras