Goodbye Balls

I have been in serious denial about Ball’s health. Ever since I took him to class last year to be re-potted, its been downhill from there.

Though I faithfully watered him and hoped (almost prayed even) for new roots to take hold, it wasn’t to be and I finally plucked up the courage to pull Balls out of the pot to check for new roots.

It wasn’t too be and he had in fact probably not had some for some time. This was pretty devastating for me, since he was Lindsay’s bonsai that Poppy had given him when he died. Now that Linz has died too, I wanted Balls to survive to remember him by. But I needed to let Balls go and so this will be the last post for Balls.

My first bonsai casualty since Pop died. Goodbye Balls…..

Re: Still alive and kickin!

DSC_1176.JPGAfter a lengthy period of worrying about whether or not Balls was going to survive (due to his lack of leaves), Balls went to bonsai class to get confirmation of whether or not he was in good health or not. Under Tina’s watchful eye, his remaining three branches were trimmed, revealing greenness and therefore that he was still alive.

It was decided that the main part of Balls would be put more under the dirt to give him a chance to make a fighting come-back. It will be interesting to watch his progress over the next couple of months- through winter and into spring!

Fingers crossed for a full recovery!!

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