Future tog

Future Tog - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

(C) 2014 Taressa Joy, all rights reserved

(C) 2014 Taressa Joy, all rights reserved

I must admit I have had trepidation about letting my daughter wander off with my camera, however I am learning to relax, it has come back unscathed each time and she does a remarkable job in holding it since its quite a heavy bit of kit.

We still need to work on the concept of being still when taking pictures, that said, she does slow down to about 50 % madness speed when taking pictures.. that still makes blurry photos even at 1/1000 second shutter speed 😉

Here’s one of the images, there was no prompting or coaching to achieve the composition, I merely processed it in Lightroom for her, since shes not allowed on my computer ;).. yet..

nice job chaos, i love the patterns and also your composition (and its sharp 🙂 )



27 thoughts on “Future tog

  1. hells bells mate; kids cost enough now without letting them develop an interest in photography. That palm leaf will have to be framed…..more $$$$$. Get her on the other side of the camera; better $$ modeling lol.

    Good stuff; and she uses the viewfinder too. I have memories of my eldest daughter snapped away; but with out a film in the camera. Good deals for Oly em5 +12-40 f2.g pro lens atm. She would LOVE that lol . only $1200.

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