I must admit I have had trepidation about letting my daughter wander off with my camera, however I am learning to relax, it has come back unscathed each time and she does a remarkable job in holding it since its quite a heavy bit of kit.
We still need to work on the concept of being still when taking pictures, that said, she does slow down to about 50 % madness speed when taking pictures.. that still makes blurry photos even at 1/1000 second shutter speed 😉
Here’s one of the images, there was no prompting or coaching to achieve the composition, I merely processed it in Lightroom for her, since shes not allowed on my computer ;).. yet..
nice job chaos, i love the patterns and also your composition (and its sharp 🙂 )
Awesome!! Just think what she will do in a year!!
What a great father, to allow her the freedom to investigate and learn.
You're right about her image; it's great!
+Gerard Blacklock I think she inherited your eye Gerard 🙂 What a cool shot for one so young.
Love it!!!!
Aww that's terrific for a little girl :)) Look forward to the next gen Blacklock progeny giving you a run for your money +Gerard Blacklock​ :))
Very cool. You are a good dad G !
Wow +Gerard Blacklock​, you have a little star photographer on your hands! If you're not careful you'll be seeing less & less of your gear! Her pic puts my efforts to shame! Great job chaos! 🙂
She looks pretty pro Gerard. Even a few scathings are worth the long term benefit. Well done Team Blacklock!
+Gerard Blacklock
hells bells mate; kids cost enough now without letting them develop an interest in photography. That palm leaf will have to be framed…..more $$$$$. Get her on the other side of the camera; better $$ modeling lol.
Good stuff; and she uses the viewfinder too. I have memories of my eldest daughter snapped away; but with out a film in the camera. Good deals for Oly em5 +12-40 f2.g pro lens atm. She would LOVE that lol . only $1200.
A wonderful capture; she'll definitely become a fantastic photographer in the future +Gerard Blacklock​!
Thankyou +Margaret Tompkins – I can't wait to see more of her 'visions' 🙂
Thankyou +Alison Christensen it's an absolute privilege to be able to be a parent to these two girls 🙂
Thanks +Chris Sutton 🙂
Thankyou for the kind words +Tracie Behmlander and +Jenny Loren
we got her a little camera/video cam or her own for christmas just to see how she goes and so she could come out with me on a sunset shoot – i post one of those up later 🙂 +Kitten KaboodleInc
+Tom Testone
yes that's what I am afraid of and consequently why she got a little cam of her own for christmas. 🙂
+Shawn Hudson
well said and true – the joy of watching her is priceless.
+Ian Browne
ohh don't I know it 🙂
I now find it hard to take pictures of her since she's always like 'not again Dad' and pulls a silly face 🙂
only 1200 bucks 🙂 I'll have 2 😉
Haha, awesome! You can encourage her creativity & keep hold of your gear! What a great Christmas present! 🙂
+Ian Browne re the viewfinder… i showed her the live view on the screen.. but she wanted to do it the same as Dad 🙂
Thanks +Gabriel Komarnicki , happy new year mate.
+Gerard Blacklock​ oh really? That's awesome Gerard! Who knows. .one day Chaos may even conquer that stick hehe 😉 or do a tinyplanet of Tickles mowing the lawn (you know the lawn as the world. Tickles mowing on the edge of it :p)
+Tom Testone yeah can't have her using my favorite lens all the time 😉
+Kitten KaboodleInc
thats a damn good idea…i got the perfect place to set that up, it might just rejunevate my thirst for those planetoids 😉
+Gerard Blacklock hehe id love to see it 😀 Hop to it then 😉
Oh my goodness…. #cutenessoverload !!!!!!!
The apple does not fall far from the tree, dear Gerard 🙂