
Rail Roaded - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

Rail Roaded – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: 1.3s (Neutral image) 1/3s (underexposed) 5s (over exposed)
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and a krusty old bridge

Following on from some cliche jetties, I think its only appropriate to add a rail road and rail bridge in the mix 🙂
I have driven past this bridge numerous times, but never stopped to take a picture, it was well past sunset and the sky still had a fraction of warmth in it so pulled in and rattled off a couple of shots. I have a BW version too, which I umm and arrr’ed over but ended up choosing the colour version since the rusty colours of the bridge really made it pop alot more.
Simple and cliche composition with pretty well no thought put into it – I really should try something different from the norm but some days its easier just to run with the tried and true options 🙂

This is 3 images processed in +Nik Collection by Google‘s which for scenes like this just make processing the image a dream, the only thing needed to be cleaned up was some funky blue in the left tree.

3 frames automatically blended
Exif/setup love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/13 and Shutter Speed: 1.3s (Neutral image) 1/3s (underexposed) 5s (over exposed)
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and a krusty old bridge


20 thoughts on “Rail-roaded

  1. Really nice!! I think you should straighten your horizon and vertical lines for greater impact though. Thanks for taking the time to stop and get the shot.

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