Vivid the complete reel :)

Vivid the complete reel 🙂
This will save you the trip in there (well for the free ones) – I can’t promise it will be the best 10 minutes of your life, but at the very least it will give you a idea of whats there.
#vividsydney2024 #vividsydney

Flowers – Hika Rakuyo

Flowers – Hika Rakuyo
The cool thing about this display is that you can only see it from one side of the ‘water fan’
“Be mesmerized by Hika Rakuyo, a breathtaking light and laser display inspired by a Japanese concept on transience. Watch a captivating story of native Australian flowers bloom across the night sky in an eight-minute holographic light and laser show.”

Mutual States – Cadmans Cottage

Mutual States – Cadmans Cottage
Mutual States explores this idea, putting the complexities of emotion and the self on full display. Using an arresting combination of live footage, digital effects, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), watch as several real faces morph, shift and unify. Based on portraits of a diverse range of people, the real and digital converge in this magnified look at the human face, emotion and individuality. Mutual States invites you to stare into the eyes of these shifting faces and see the patterns teased out by AI. Walk away having seen first-hand that despite our differences, we are all the same.

The Reel – Faces of change.

The Reel – Faces of change.
Another on from this installation, however this one also has a sequence from the southern pylon. I just joined the three time lapses together so you will see the same one from before on the north side as well. “This group of climate change warriors from the Torres Strait Islands face the imminent threat of becoming some of the world’s first climate refugees due to rising sea levels. Each member of the TS8 is represented in Tori-Jay’s surreal hand alongside their totem — Great Blue Heron, Dugong, Sea Birds, and Crocodile — as the sea starts to rise and swallow them.”
#vividsydney #VividSydney2024


A display down at Darling Harbour, not the one at Circular Quay.. I got no words for this one.. other than its a pretty cool projection of funky patterns and shapes on a car 🙂

Hypnotic Eucalyptus trees.

Hypnotic Eucalyptus trees.
Encounters before the Tree
One of the more underrated displays for vivid i think, but will cater to those geometric geeks out there and it is pretty hypnotic.
“See trees (and yourself) in a new way as you gaze at a mesmerising display of nature’s hidden geometry. Throughout history, we’ve always had a special bond with trees. They provide shelter, a meeting place and oxygen. They clean our air and have a calming effect on our nervous system.
Encounters Before the Tree explores this connection in a geometric light display that asks us to see beyond the canopy.
Watch as a hypnotic projection, inspired by nature’s hidden mathematical codes, slowly moves across a series of eucalyptus trees. The effect of transforming something natural into something strange and unknown is disconcerting and reminds us of nature’s hidden beauty and the patterns that exist within all living things.

Dog Trumpet – Humans are idiots

Dog Trumpet – Humans are idiots
If you don’t recognise this art style then you have been under a rock for the last 40 years and it should be on the citizen checklist for new arrivals 😉
As a kid mambo clothing and anything that had it on was gold.. the art seemed like it was just out of some nut jobs drug induced haze and it just worked 🙂 Sadly, the brand was sold to a US company, like all good things aussie but for 10million bucks it would probably be hard to argue with that.
Anyways, Dog Trumpet, which is also the band of ex Mental as Anything band members is playing at Vivid and as a extra, one of the members (Reg Mombassa, not his real name either btw) artwork is on display at the… More


If there is only one thing you go and see at Vivid, this should be it.
Its a really great presentation of art such that it can be appreciated from just about any angle, position or distance… this is often not the case with many Vivid installations where the art is often best viewed from one or maybe two positions to get an optimal view. The installation is basically a partial cylinder using ‘ghost mesh’ which has the art projected onto it. If you are inside it, it looks amazing, if your outside, it looks amazing 🙂
The choice of video subject is pretty amazing too, the birds look amazing, especially the Brolgas when they fill up the mesh screens.
I have assembled a series of… More


Created by Vandal.
“We are standing at a literal, and figurative, crossroads. Looming in front of us is the ASN Clocktower, with its three facades illuminated. Humanity is represented and juxtaposed against technology, AI interpreting and amalgamating the two. Not only visually spectacular, Synthetic Hum(AI)nity is incredibly prescient. Exploring our rapidly evolving relationship to Artificial Intelligence and the unstoppable march of technological innovation, it will leave you awe-struck, amused and with a new appreciation of the power of this new form of artificial humanity.”


Guan Wei MCA Projections.
“Breathe-taking. Whimsical. Profound. Plunge into Guan Wei’s visionary world at the MCA, as his signature iconography illuminates the night. This is the first time the globally celebrated Chinese Australian artist’s work has been transformed into a light projection, and the results are spectacular. Journey from deep space, the depths of the ocean to a busy day-in-the-life of Bondi Beach, as this stunning light projection illustrates the seamless connection between the macro and the micro, the mystical and the everyday.
Witness as stars fall, oceans ripple, and fantastical creatures soar across the MCA’s façade. Sea, Sand and Stars blends the everyday with the extraordinary in a unique exploration of what it means to be human”