Damn, I have heard that a few times in my youth 😉
I have walked down many paths (not metaphorically now!) at all hours of the day and night and sometimes its nice to come across a path after bush-bashing through the scrub, gives oneself some feeling of comfort that your heading int the right direction 🙂 well at least were someone else has traveled, you know… less chance of shakey snakes etc 🙁
These particular paths I suspect are pretty well worn by fisherman and local walkers, one of which I bumped into quite unexpectedly in the wee hours of the morning, I think she was as surprised as me to see someone else was crazy enough to be out.
I never planned these to be a triptych, however after reviewing the images it seemed like the appropriate means to present them, however I do like the first image and think it could work nicely on its own (wih that cool 'S'' curve and all), however thats for a rainy day processing session 🙂 The trick with triptyches is to get the images to flow and match, which, is easy to say, much harder to do, one day I will go out with the specific purpose for this to make sure the horizons line up and the bits on the left and right of the frames are complimentary, rather then juggling and cropping them after the fact.
Exif love (typical for each image):
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 1/5s
ISO 100
out front – Hoya CPL, Lee Graduated 0.9 Filter and some paths 🙂