I quite like art and images where they take on those qualities which are often associated with the notion of 'dreamy', like the softness, the out focus and the pastel colours, for me its that view which is blurry, like your looking permanently through your peripheral vision or thru a set of contacts which have been in way too long after a long bender of a night, this coupled with a tiny aspect of the scene vivid and full of clarity which sticks in your mind irrespective of the haze that surrounds it. Getting old is so boring 🙁 I never have these 'dreamy', dreams anymore, hence, heres a image to make up for it 🙂
This image (of the stormwater overflows) is quite timely given the recent media reports on the great water quality of the sydney beaches at the moment as a result of the crazy flash storm we had the other day. Seems there are plenty of signs stating there is dangerous bacteria about, I reckon thats prolly code for floaties and chokito bars about 😉 google chokito bars and it'll all become clear.
Here you go, Manly overflow pipes at 182.1 seconds of exposure.