Double Take

Some very cool infrastructure going up at Botany Bay and the new Port Terminal – just be sure to not take photos of it 😉 Apparently, thanks to Bin Laden, I am not allowed to point my camera in this direction 🙂 I guess I do attract a bit more attention (tripod and camera ) than the mobile phone wielding would be terrorists – oh well rules are rules I suppose, hence I turned around and took photos of planes taking off instead 😉

Anyway, enough of a whinge, these huge gantrys make awesome subjects, not quite the cloud movement I wanted but it was better than nothing.

techie love:
D7000 coupled with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ Aperture: f/19 and Shutter Speed: 60.9s
out front – LEE Bigstopper in all its goodness.

The Tempe Jetty

Sydney Park, NSW

or whats left of it 🙂 Well thats my name for it, there is probably some other official symbolic name representing something or rather but stuffed if I know what it is 🙂 There is a sign saying its a swan breeding ground though.. ?! I was hoping for a swan up on one of the poles, but i think i might be asking alittle too much of the poor things 🙂


Unknown Falls – the waterfall into the ocean.

On this particular day I was standing on the edge of some impressive rocks with the nearest civilization over 15 kilometres away, my thoughts cleared with the ocean wind that came close to blowing me over, nothing left between the ears after that 😉

Another amazing location which is situated a short drive from Sydney and provides countless locations for the aspiring nature photographer and outdoor types, i shall return, shortly 🙂

I appreciate the comments that people leave and I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed!