Just a little house with a view

ya gotta view this large.. its a crime not too

Its got this cool patch of grass in the front, which given the right cold conditions and a fresh layer of frost would make one very awesome ride 🙂

There quite a number of angles on this building in the Canberra National Aboretum, one of which is across the highway which means you need a pretty long lens to get the shot, even down the bottom of the hill in the actual Aboretum you still need at least 200mm i reckon.

This is with the 300mm lens and is a panorama of 6 landscape orientation shots.

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 300mm f4 @ 300mm Aperture: f6.3 and Shutter Speed: 1/80s
ISO 100
Out front – bigass hill, some cool building and hill worth sliding down!

* P u r e C h a o s*

I don't think i need that many words to describe this, chaos meets chaos 😉

4 shot panorama image (handheld) from our Nations Capital, the place with all da junk 🙂

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70mm f4 @ 48mm Aperture: f5 and Shutter Speed: 1/1250s
EV -0.3
ISO 100

Out front – Spagetti Chaos