feral budget time, its like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
Well, for those local to ozzie land – you now have a new Federal Budget where maternity leave is a safety net and not a salary topup 😉
A budget which is clever politics by the Liberals and a smart move but at the expense of any real significant change. I welcome the day when our politicians grow some balls and do something that is genuinely in the interest of the nation and not for their short term political gain.
As for that infamous red tape – last time I checked my industry is drowning in red tape and the government is forcing more down our throats…
anyway I digress and politics really is a boring -ass topic.
Onto the imagerry (see what i did there? 😉 ) , I have been holding on to this image just for this moment…federal budget time, its like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow 😉
This is a two image panorama to get the full wide angle view, the problem with rainbows is that they usually bring rain, couple this with a filthy sensor and this image did start from a chickenpox infested base 🙂 the healing brush got worn out on this image 🙂
Exif love:
2 images stitched in PS.
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/14 and Shutter Speed: 4s
ISO 100
out front – Hoya CPL, Lee Graduated 0.9x Filter all covered with lots of spotty rain drops 🙁