Greener Pastures

I wonder whether these dairy cows ever have the desire to check out whats on the other side of the fence? what you can't see in this image is there is nothing between me and this paddock of cows besides a cattle grid, which I only recently learned about how they actually work. Cows have a great field of view with those eyes on each side of their big heads, however the disadvantage of this 360 degree view is that their binocular and depth vision is pretty crap, hence when they see a cattle grid, its not that they cannot balance their dainty udders across, its more they get the perception thats its very uneven due to the high contrast in light…

so waddayaknow.. you learn something new every day 😉

anyways onto the picture, some cows really enjoying some very lush grass..

5 shot pano, all landscape orientation.

Fallen Black

I reworked this ( image into a BW version – I am not entirely convinced on the conversion and could not decide on whether to push towards a real dreamy scene where teh horizon was masked by the BW conversion or simply go with this, basically a straight BW conversion in LR.

+Chris Sutton this was for you – would have never seen the light of day otherwise 🙂

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 @ 70mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 186.1s
ISO 100
out front: Lee Biggstopper


When I was a kid I listened to alot of music, particularly at the and of my schooling and as a result alot of songs trigger different memories, of different times and experiences, which is really cool, a song comes on and instantly without much effort i am taken back to the time, experience and feeling. Now, with less time for more music and possibly music replaced moreso with imagery, I now find that images have taken that space and now trigger memories of a time and/or experience. I hear ya, saying, 'der of course they would', but its still cool i reckon 🙂 as i look at this image, it represents a few days in my life that I am sure I will look back in years to come and reminisce over, for good or the bad :-/

This one tree, or what was left of it, was sitting out in a sea of emptiness with its comrades way off, out of reach, seemingly so sad and lonely, just handing on to the what it once was…..

SIngle image, long exposure and I can't decided on whether I actually like the BW version better 🙂

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 @ 70mm Aperture: f/10 and Shutter Speed: 186.1s
ISO 100
out front: Lee Biggstopper

+Landscape Photography

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tread carefully

As I stood on the edge of the lake, perched on a few partially submerged rocks with the gentle sound of bird wings rushing through the air over my head I thought…. 'I am going to have to start wearing pants rather than shorts 'cause its fing cold…' 😉
Having grown up in a fairly cold area it has not bothered me so much and hence most often throughout winter I can be seen wearing shorts (with other stuff also for the record;) ), however this particular morning, I really wished I had something a bit more :-/

Getting back to the car and looking at the OAT (outside air temp), i realised that… yeah probably 1 degree Celsius is probably close to the cutoff temperature for short wearing…

This lake was, for the most part, like a mirror – in the mind numbing cold i really knew I wanted to capture the subtle tones of the sunrise (around 30 minutes before sunrise), however this is tricky, the dynamic range is such that the horizon, whilst not bright to the naked eye is quite bright for the camera and hence to nail the warm horizon colours you had to sacrifice some of the detail in the sky and water.

I did not use any filters here, no polariser, (I wanted the reflections) and no graduated filters, but a reverse graduated filter would have probably been useful..

The final image is a vertical panorama using three vertical frames, each one with the poles in the frame, since that was pretty well all that could be common between the frames for the software to stitch.

The little dark dots on the horizon are actually trees 🙂 the distance and the mirage effect causes them to appear like floating boogers 😉

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 @ 32mm Aperture: f/16 and Shutter Speed: 8s
ISO 100
3 frames stitched together in +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom as a blended panorama.

+Landscape Photography Community