the road that is 🙂
I had this composition in my head before I went to this spot, however with most ideas in my head it looked nothing like it actually ended up.
The more I look at it, more I dislike it, i see all the dust spots, the stitching errors, the inconsistent colour smoothness..the noise..
I will chalk this image down to one of those ones which needed alot of beating over the head to get to the point where it looks like what you wanted it to look like… like the image in my head, but even then its not there. FYI, the image in my head was a large expanse of ocean with the road and cliff teetering on the edge of the frame.
Its a 5 shot panorama image at the height of the colour of the morning, which needed alittle help to really shine through 🙂
#‎seacliff‬ ‪#‎coalcliff‬
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 mm f2.8 @ 48mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 18s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.9x)