Tag Archives: sydneyharbourbridge

Happy New Year
goodbye 2015… hello 2016
insert inspirational quote here 🙂
I think we are overloaded with meme's and quotes nowadays and quite frankly I rarely read them now 🙂
On a day when we cram in over a million people into the city to watch the 5 million buck cracker show I think the only quote we really need is:
"have patience"
That goes for me too, after I lost my chops at a Taxi driver for cutting me off on the way home 🙂
Happy new Year all, have a safe and happy 2016 and most importantly, have patience 🙂

The same, but different
I have lived in Sydney for quite some years and have grown very accustom to the harbour and its views, its always nice to see it from a different perspective. Whilst I would like to think this is an original view ( although i have not seen any shots like it) I am sure, someone, somewhere has stood in the same place and fired off a few shots 🙂
If you have time, check out +Peter Eastway 's latest post, he has some great thoughts about the whole thing about photographing popular spots and he always has very nice shots and a great attitude.
Exif love:
3 bracketed shots (+1ev 0, -1ev) I only used two, manually blended to capture the entire dynamic range.
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/14 and Shutter Speed: 2s (normal exposure) 1s (under) 4s (over)
ISO 100
out front – Hoya CPL and Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x