Rams Planet

Close enough to the highest point in mainland Oz i reckon.

Rams Head North 2190m, noting that Mount Kosciuszko is 2228m a grand total of 38m taller..:) Mount Kosciuszko is that sloping hill over there on the horizon. Fun fact for the day, Mount Everest is almost exactly 4 times taller than this peak, i guess technically I can say I have walked a quarter of the way to the highest point in the world. 🙂

Another fun fact, Norway has about 180 peaks over 2000 metres high but its tallest is only 2469m, just a smidge over our little hill over here.

Pregnant Planet

maybe not the pregnancy shoot Sarah was after 🙂 but thats one more down in my quest of the family planet series – chaos is the only one who has escaped so far 🙂

I think its kinda appropriate actually 😉 .. 'cause when women are pregnant its like they are the only ones on the planet 😉
Don't worry ya'all, i got a lounge to sleep on 🙂

Forever and a Day

or until someone….

not that I am a pessimist or anything 😉

you could roll out a hundred different cliches together with the image, however, this time, i think the following is appropriate..

_this day
is one where you are not alone
but are with the only one
on top of the world_

congratulations peeps, whoever ya are 🙂 partially taken at my favorite park in Sydney

+Kitten KaboodleInc , wait until you see the tiny planet 🙂

King Queen of the Scooter Planet

Tickles has been steadily increases the use of her sisters scooter, so much that she has pretty well claimed it for her own, noting that now if her big sister even comes near it there is a guaranteed on ya back tantrum 😉 Lucky I suppose that Chaos has out grown it 🙂

The phrase, "me scoot" has become synonymous with tickles, wherever we are, school, park, shopping centre, front door :-/ .. it's "me scoot"… I have even taken to ditching the pram in favour of the scooter, otherwise its me pushing a darn empty pram around half the time 😉

So, in tribute to your scooter prowess tickles, its only appropriate that you are given your own planet for it 🙂

tickles, queen of the scooter planet, a very Rocky Balboa moment 🙂

The church of

i am tempted to say gerry… but it should really be Sydney I suppose 🙂

So I kinda messed this up – i spent all this time waiting for the perfect moment when there we no boats cruising through my shot and took 3 exposures for all of the 4 frames…. except one, the far left frame did not have the over exposed frame, as a result i never bothered to look at, however given the instigated by +Kitten KaboodleInc​ and +Rodney Campbell​ i thought why not give it a smashing with the treatment.

Its a shot from the Kirribilli side of the harbour during the vivid sydney festival (#vivid), hence the buildings are lit up with various colours and the crazy spot lights from darling harbour can be seen over the southern bridge pylon.

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70 f2.8 @ 58mm Aperture: f/3.2 and Shutter Speed: 5s (normal exposure) 1/1.6s (underexpsoure) and 30s (over exposure except for the last frame…. grrrr)
4 frames stitched together in PTGUI as a blended panorama.

you know how hard it is to get 40s on the harbour with a damn boat floating thru your frame?? i deserve a medal for just that alone…
ISO 1000
out front – gerrys church 😉

Vivid Planet

So, i only have about 14.5 billion images from vivid this year, so I think its only fair that I inflict some more vividness on the world… in light (hahaaa get it? vivid ..festival… light.. – ok bad dad joke) of the recent splurge of its only sensible that I do one of the pinstripped Sydney Harbour Bridge.

To save time I tried with just a single image (yeah kinda of lazy) just see how it would work out.. surprisingly well, i could have blended multiple exposures to get some more dynamic range and stitched a pano… but in the interest of saving time, here we go, tiny planet from a single 14mm shot.

Techie love:
D750 coupled with Samyang 14mm f2.8 @ 14mm Aperture: f/7.1 and Shutter Speed: 20s
ISO 100
out front – a very bending SHB

Shopping Planet

Shopping Planet - (c) 2015 Gerard Blacklock

3 Landscape orientation images manually stitched
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 70mm Aperture: f/3.2 and Shutter Speed: 1/3200s
ISO 200

its a wild world out there, luckily we got our hard hat

A recent gift from nan and pop was just perfect for this incarnation of a tiny panet, planetoid or what ever ya want to call them. This was the wet warm up session to the for which we are now at #37 (Alison Wonderland – I Want U) damn i love the public broadcast system in this country 🙂 I reckon there would be a revolution if they cut funding to tripleJ 😉 not only of the young folk, but also the old fogeys who grew up with the jj’s.

This image is panorama of three images, manually stitched together, there was basically nothing for the programs to be able to stitch it together except the grass and given the lightning speeds tickles was belting down the slope with her shopping trolley ( rice cakes and sugar included) there was plenty of discontinuity between the frames 🙂

cheers to +Kitten KaboodleInc for the idea of the tiny planet – it did not quite work exactly how I wanted, but chasing two kids at the same time whilst trying to set it up was…lets say challenging 🙂

Exif/setup love:
3 Landscape orientation images manually stitched
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 70mm Aperture: f/3.2 and Shutter Speed: 1/3200s
ISO 200
out front – grass, tickles, trolley and hard hat.