3 Landscape orientation images manually stitched
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 70mm Aperture: f/3.2 and Shutter Speed: 1/3200s
ISO 200
its a wild world out there, luckily we got our hard hat
A recent gift from nan and pop was just perfect for this incarnation of a tiny panet, planetoid or what ever ya want to call them. This was the wet warm up session to the for which we are now at #37 (Alison Wonderland – I Want U) damn i love the public broadcast system in this country 🙂 I reckon there would be a revolution if they cut funding to tripleJ 😉 not only of the young folk, but also the old fogeys who grew up with the jj’s.
This image is panorama of three images, manually stitched together, there was basically nothing for the programs to be able to stitch it together except the grass and given the lightning speeds tickles was belting down the slope with her shopping trolley ( rice cakes and sugar included) there was plenty of discontinuity between the frames 🙂
cheers to +Kitten KaboodleInc for the idea of the tiny planet – it did not quite work exactly how I wanted, but chasing two kids at the same time whilst trying to set it up was…lets say challenging 🙂
Exif/setup love:
3 Landscape orientation images manually stitched
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 70mm Aperture: f/3.2 and Shutter Speed: 1/3200s
ISO 200
out front – grass, tickles, trolley and hard hat.