King Queen of the Scooter Planet

Tickles has been steadily increases the use of her sisters scooter, so much that she has pretty well claimed it for her own, noting that now if her big sister even comes near it there is a guaranteed on ya back tantrum 😉 Lucky I suppose that Chaos has out grown it 🙂

The phrase, "me scoot" has become synonymous with tickles, wherever we are, school, park, shopping centre, front door :-/ .. it's "me scoot"… I have even taken to ditching the pram in favour of the scooter, otherwise its me pushing a darn empty pram around half the time 😉

So, in tribute to your scooter prowess tickles, its only appropriate that you are given your own planet for it 🙂

tickles, queen of the scooter planet, a very Rocky Balboa moment 🙂

8 thoughts on “King Queen of the Scooter Planet

  1. Hehehe that's AWESOME +Gerard Blacklock​ 😀 Love the Rocky reference! Really does look like she's holding up that thing like a trophy lol :))) I was in the pharmacy the other day and nearly got run over by a tiny little asian kid zooming through the aisles on his scooter, kindy backpack on, lollipop firmly clenched in one cheek…he even free-wheeled through one section, hands tucked under his armpits gosh darn it!! I have no balance. .I'd wipe out the vitamin stand ..:-/

  2. +Kitten KaboodleInc
    lol i love that image you have just conjured up in my head – one thing in your defense no balance is.. the scooters now days are pretty cool, the three wheeled ones made by micro are great, very stable and the steer awesomely 🙂
    ohhh and the thought of you nailing the vitamins stand.. had me going for awhile 🙂

  3. +Gerard Blacklock hehehe mate if there was anyone suited to beta testing anything it's me! Three wheels or not I am living proof of Newtons Law… if I'm up, I'll go down…somewhere. . seriously it's a curse :-/ and I'm very well acquainted with vitamins.. lemme know anytime you need advice on some! :p

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