14 thoughts on “A normal view

  1. +Chris Jones be sure to check it out, there are plenty of nice cliffs and shrubs and there is also the southern end of Maroubra which is nice too. Plenty of tracks and also the old fortifications up in the bush which are very interesting.

  2. +Gerard Blacklock yeah I would love to get down there one day. Sydney's biggest problem for me is that I'm not a great morning person and getting to a location for 5am or earlier often leaves me turning off the alarm and rolling over with the thought in my head that it's probably not that good out anyway!

  3. I love the colorful and dramatic dawn/sunset long-exposure masterpieces you and a number of other photographers produce. They let us see a particularly beautiful facet of the world many of us will never see otherwise. Thank you for sharing them!! In my own photography, I'm very drawn to the conventional and 'touristy'. I never grow tired of beautiful scenery such as this, captured so expertly, +Gerard Blacklock!! 🙂

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