Bridal Veil Falls

Taken a few years back when there was a bit more rain about – for some reason I was looking for a image deep under some magnetised bits of my hardrive when I found this folder and had a look in, plenty of unedited images sitting around waiting for some love (and time).

Located at Leura just under the main Falls (which I think is actually the Bridal Veil ones) its only a 30 minute walk down, a bit longer up since its mostly stairs 🙂

Nikon D7000 with the Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm
Aperture: f/8
Shutter Speed: 30s
ISO: 100

23 thoughts on “Bridal Veil Falls

  1. Great composition and colors +Gerard Blacklock​. I find interesting to "discover" some almost forgotten shots in the hdd's maze of folders, I usually see those shots with different eyes. Moreover they can benefit of the improved skills in retouching that you've acquired in the meantime… 😉
    By the way, did you notice some evident difference in image quality looking at a shot taken with an APS-C sensor and an UWA compared to your present gear (that spaking of focal lenght is almost the same)? I ask you this because I've just bought a Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 for my Pentax K-3 APS-C, taking advantage of the Black Friday bargains and I hope not to be disappointed by the quality of the pictures. Unfortunately at the moment I can't afford the new K-1 FF with the 15-30 f/2.8…
    Have a nice day and congrats for all the previous shots, they're amazing!

  2. +Claudio Beffa I did notice (and still do) a difference between my DX and FX setup, I only use the FX now. That said the differences are not entirely the lens (obviously) the FX sensor makes quite a difference and I find that the FX images are crisper (depends more so on the lens tho), more dynamic range and easier to edit.
    I think the image quality from my FX with 16-35mm is equivalent to my DX with the tokina 11-16 only because the 16-35 is a pretty rubbish lens (my copy anyway) and the tokina 11-16mm is a really good lens … so onto this image I found when reprocessing it, it was only marginally less 'good' (for lack of technical term) than some recent images with the FX and 16-35mm
    I think tailoring your processing to suit your kit is important too, i sharpen very differently for different lens and also push harder (or lens) depending on the camera..
    have a great week mate and I look forward to seeing more of your images across my stream.

  3. Thanks for your take +Gerard Blacklock , I hope that the lens it's going to arrive will be able to feed the sensor with as many details as possible; I don't have in schedule a gear upgrade in the near future, so I'll try to squeeze the maximum quality out of my actual camera and I'll refine the PP techniques…
    PS: I've just published a new article, have a look at my stream if you have time.
    Cheers 🙂

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