
Probably appropriate given it is the Kings Birthday today.
It’s been a few years since I have been back out to this spot on the Narrowneck Plateau, the last was just after the 2019 Bushfires which charred the entire area. It has recovered somewhat and its really great to see the frogs and logs (National Parks and Wildlife NPWS) have added some nice steps and fixed up the track a bit.
The road out here is now completely closed to vehicles due to some minor landslides at the start of the road (Glenraphael drive) which means you have got a 4.5km walk to get to this point. Which has definitely made me make sure I had half a chance of getting some nice conditions, walking all the way out in the pitch black with no moon only to be clouded in was not on my todo list – i did that last time 🙂
Out here on a still morning every sound is amplified, a rock dislodging from the cliff reverberates across the valley and the birds waking up in the inversion layer sound like they are right next to you, I think that’s what draws me out here again and again, to sit on the edge with a clear 180 degree view and just watch as the morning comes alive and the valley fog ebbs and rolls like a phantom ocean from millions of years ago.
It’ll probably be a few years until I come back to this spot, next I might just camp out on mount solitary and save the walk in the dark 🙂

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