11 thoughts on “Eagle Rock

  1. hey +Hilton Meyer I did take a few long exposures from this location but the wind, rain and spray made it very difficult, this image was taken during a small break in the wind and rain. You are correct though, a LE from this composition would look very nice and also accentuate the cliff (eagle)
    Thanks for having a look and commenting.

  2. +Chris Harris, if my bike wasn't busted I would have ridden in there, but it was perfect conditions for the waterfalls there so I walked instead ;(

    I really want to explore more areas of the coast there, garie and wattamolia seem to be next on the list

  3. Nah don't have a link. A lot of people don't know its there. You have to scramble down the cliff a little to get to it. I get out there a bit, next time I do I'll take a photo with a geo tag and PM it to you. Don't want everyone to know where it is..

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