D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/9 and Shutter Speed: 30s
ISO 100
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and Hoya CPL
I suffered for this image, i was eaten alive by mosquito’s, I got soaked by the rain waited ages for a couple of cars to go by (no other fool was silly enough to be out in this weather) and missed all the sweet lightning – however knowing my luck it would have belted me if I hung around 😉 and to make things worse, half my shots where outta focus – damn technical issues 🙁
This image was mean to be panoramic image of the scene, but only one of the frames was salvageable, this one. I still like it, its got all the key elements from the session, the warm disappearing sunset from around the hill, the car light trails and the thunderous clouds (excluding my epic lighting bolt right on top of the hill 🙂 )
Exif love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/9 and Shutter Speed: 30s
ISO 100
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and Hoya CPL
Congratulations on your promotion…. Your poison turned to our food….. Food for our soul….
+Tom Testone
thanks mate, you win some and you lose some 🙂
Thankyou for taking the time to look and comment 🙂
+Debra Whitesell
+Prem Kumar Gutty
+Winnie Young
+sophie DIDIER
+Jakob S.
+Anna Rimovska
+Rainer Krienke thanks mate 🙂
+Anna Angelada Galicia thankyou 🙂
+ratnasari dewi
+Gol Chok
+satish pednekar
+Jody Lynch
+linda sunshyne
+Ranmali Ratnayake
+Migdalia Ortiz
+Hjordis Torfa
haha, yeah they only got half of me 🙂 thanks mate and happy new to you also.
+Yasa Meena
+Piyali Saha (hopefully there is some good 😉 )
+Maribel Schilling
+Jennifer Roche
+Diane D
+jyotsna nandiraju
+Matthew Benson
+Bobbie Boy cheers bobbie Boy 🙂
+Tuan Nguyen thanks mate
+farah godoy
+Jamie J
+Dots To Spots Printing
+Elaine Williams
+Steven Frost thanks mate, in my option there is little correlation between plusses and good phots, there are plenty of absolutely awesome image sout there with only a few plusses.
+Melody Grace
+Liz- A Lamb of God
+jon brooks
+Remington Photography
+Klausjp Lamers
+adam bennewies
+Anna Rogala +Vamsi Nandola
+mike mikey
ha, thanks 🙂
+Joseba Ibarbia
+Phillip Tyson
thanks mate 🙂
+Padmini Gupta
good point, i never noticed that about the way the clouds look in relation to the hill.
This is on the mid north coast of NSW Australia.
thanks +Ovais Qerni
maybe +ابراهیم السعيد 😉
+Clint Burkinshaw
thanks mate
+Padmini Gupta
+Nanjunda Mathur
+Gerard Blacklock No, Thank You! 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock your welcome Gerard:-)
Thanks for sharing