
Probably not the best to compare a bunch of poles in the bay with ones family, however when I took it, i had them in mind 😉

On the left we have my wonderful partner in crime, in da middle is chaos and on the right tickles aka mayhem.

I really gotta break this minimalist phase.. every where i look at the moment everything seems.. cluttered 🙂 my new challenge is to portray clutter with a sense of minimalism 😉 now thats a task worth tackling 🙂

Originally a 4 shot panorama, the images cropped down to about 3 landscape orientation images to get the right positioning of the poles within the frame, oh btw, the rule of third gods will be pleased with me 😉

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 @ 48mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 3s
ISO 100
Out front – nada…

+Landscape Photography +Margaret Tompkins +Tony Phillips +Dave Gaylord +Doug Hagadorn +Eric Drumm +Jeff Beddow +David D

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