First Wave Posted on May 4, 2018 by gerry the best way to distract one sand eating baby ? play with the waves 🙂
Beautiful family album photo +Gerard Blacklock​ yes.. they live and learn by tasting everything 💕✌😄💕 you got the job my friend 👍
Thanks Gerard for this wonderful pictureS 😍
Awww they’re both so lovely!
Beautiful family album photo +Gerard Blacklock​ yes.. they live and learn by tasting everything 💕✌😄💕 you got the job my friend 👍
Too much fun for both mother and baby. Your treasure chest of daughter is filled with beauties.
Oh my Little E likes eating sand !!! Yikes 😀 +Gerard Blacklock
Thanks for looking and commenting +sophie DIDIER
+Liz C 🙂 ta mate
+Hjordis Torfa I know right! everything goes into their mouth 🙂 thanks for commenting mate
+Al Chris yeah i'll hang onto them i suppose 😉
Thanks +Carolyn Fahm , always appreciate the time taken to look and comment 🙂
+Loretta Jayne hahah I can report that there were no sore tummy's that night 🙂
Very nice.👍👏