Focus Awards – a history of results :)

For kicks and giggles i went back thru my images over the last 6 entries, it was an interesting experience – they always say, you gotta enter competitions to improve!
I kinda disagree, it might work for some and when you actively pick and process images for competitions and try to better them for the next year, but for me its all an after thought, its simply looking thru the shots from that last year and picking out some favs, usually there is always some crappy planetoid image there which i love but they rarely do well and also some vivid sydney image which i know won’t do well but i still love them 🙂

I think i have improved over the years, but i still look back at some images and I still go, yeah i like that one, its probably more emotional attachment than being a technically good shot or having that little extra kick, but hey, i am pleased i still like some shots. That said there are a few images in there which make me cringe 😉

One image i still love is the burning umbrella shot (1st creative 2016), i had such a vision for it and its probably the only image ever

which has come out exactly how i saw it in my head 😉 I might need to get back into that headspace, and find the time 😉

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