I had the opportunity to provide some feedback and judging on a local photo club (Shoalhaven) monthly theme, it was a really great experience reminisce of the old days where competitions were about really
getting good feedback and bettering your images and captures.There are so many competitions now, some which i have entered and spent a not insignificant amount of money on (I did get some returns i suppose with a few prizes) however I have not really felt my photography has improved as a result. Hence I’m a bit dubious when people, especially those running a photo competition say you need to enter to better your photography
These monthly themes and local local clubs certainly hark back… More
The Annual General Meeting of the SPC followed by the October assessment meeting was held last night via Zoom. Bruce Williams is our new president and we have some new faces on the committee. Lois Sparkes,
Peter Noakes and Dave Macquart have all stepped up. The set subject for October was ‘Buildings’. This was a very popular topic which attracted a large number of diverse and interesting images.
We were very fortunate to have Gerard Blacklock as the judge for the evening. Gerard is a very keen and long time experienced photographer. His comments and assessment of the images entered was very interesting, informed and informative showing his expertise and appreciation of photography.
He awarded the Photo of the Month to Dave Macquart for his stunning abstract photo titled ‘the Confluence’. Congratulatiosn to Dave and many thanks to Gerard for the time and effort he expended on our behalf. He made it a very interesting night.