Its a bit like a molecule lotsa space between stuff 🙂 view large
I have been reading a photography book (a fairly recently published one) which was a recent gift and was filled with very nice images and lots of very interesting information (most of which I have forgotten already 😉 ) however the images within reminded me of a saying which a few peeps who know me are probably sick of me saying.. but anyway, basically its simply that I reckon its pretty easy to take a nice picture of a stunning location – take iceland for instance (and not knocking anyone who has been there, i would love to go) but I reckon I could give my 4 yro bundle of chaos a point and shoot camera and she would come back with some fairly nice keepers.
Now one aspect I have always tried to aspire to and I seen a few photographers over the years, mainly ones who just ooze talent so much that you hate them 😉 who can make stunning images from nothing, from regular scenes, from walking down the road, a unspectacular sunset, they always come away with something dynamic, different and soemthing I would call art and go 'wow'. That is a goal that strive for.
Anyway all that waffle has a point, and you guessed it, its related to this image 😉
Trying to make something from nothing. This image was a bit tricky, it is several images stitched to make a pano, however large expanses of water and very little fixed items makes the old +Adobe Photoshop struggle a bit, however, after some bashing over the head it did my wishes and squeezed out the desired pano, with a few errors (not too shabby tho)
D7000 coupled with Nikkor 105mm f2.5 @ , yep yo guess it 105mm Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/500 of a second
ISO: 100
out front – a cliff.
Thanks for looking – I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed and always appreciate the time people take to have a look, plus and/or comment.
Astounding picture!
Well +Gerard Blacklock I really like this one. There are so many times that we perhaps don't have the ideal lens that you don't bother taking the shot. I'm really glad you did, it's almost as you'd see it with your own eyes 😉
Picture…YES…Sea…Clouds…Light…Colors…Atmosphere…) + COMPOSITION…
Such a gorgeous panorama!! I love the colors!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!!
A cliff, didn't see that coming. 😉
Great panoramic, very well done.
It's an audacious panorama and your commentary makes me smile. If I were to tweak this a bit I would bump the clarity setting in the Raw filter. This would bring out the shapes in the cloud mass on the right and the surface of the water — which would tie the top and bottom together a bit more. It's a tricky balancing act and if you are pleased with it then it's a good photo. Thanks for sharing with the #landscapephotography theme.
+Jeff Beddow
Thanks +Jeff Beddow and good advice
Thankyou +mariana alexandru
and +Arne Lepla
+Shaista H
cheers 🙂
+Mike Disbury
very true, I recently drove out to the country and there was this awesome snowy cold winter scene which we drove past but rather than stopping and turning around to get the shot we just did not bother – a real shame and I am kicking myself for it.
+Margaret Tompkins
+K Lashenske
🙂 I did or else I would not be here
Thanks +Scott Soucy
Unimaginable of this panromaic sea view and at sametime clear sky and we are inconcopious in this sene . nice.thank you.