Sometimes sunrise is not overly spectacular and there are no colourful clouds, however on the flipside you often end up with really nice hues in the direction away from the rising sun.
149 thoughts on “Lone Tree”
Hermoso paisaje. Hermosas piedras al resistir el paso del tiempo. Hermosa tierra, madre de la vida en el planeta. Hermoso aire, azul, que lo cubre todo. Hermoso árbol, alzándose hacia el cielo y aferrándose al suelo Hermoso fotografía. Saludos
Que lindo lugar
Si nice
The roks are a rainbow.
So relaxing to look at
Que bonito
I particularly like the way the colours of the stones echo those in the sky, and the dramatic contrast they make with the greens
En e fkbfhdkfkg
In love you 😘😘😘
Now if I could just train my yucca to look like that !
لوهذي الاحجار عندنا كان قد صلحناها خواتم وسميناها عقيق
Wonderful image. It's my pleasure to share this beautiful image with the #LandscapePhotography theme, and to the +Landscape Photography page! Please check out all the great photos there including yours!!
e complimenti per i commenti che ci dai sui tuoi post…buona giornata-
Very sweet
( QUINTA-FEIRA 04/05/17 versículo do dia hoje) (Regozijai-vos sempre. Orai sem cessar. Em tudo dai graças, porque esta é a vontade de Deus em Cristo Jesus para convosco. 1Tessalonicenses 5:16â€-‬18 vamos ler a Bíblia pós pode nos ajudar muito, Jesus disse para Examina as Escrituras, Brasília DF 04/05/2017 EU bom dia na paz do senhor Jesus Cristo.
Assis de que o dia que eu vi a sua tartaruga o é esse é o nil estava com o 💎💎💎💍💍💍💍💍💍💎💎💎💎💎💎
nice looking
السلام عليكم
Cox gozeldi
Dieu Merci
salut comment allez moi je me prenome rose et je vie as toulouse je vous souhaite une trés et excellente journée mopn mail est et je serais toujour connecté pour vous attendre ???
Conversar com você ontem derrubei o celular da minha mãe e eu chorei não sou sua amiga
Japanese Council Member: It’s Everyone's Responsibility to Stop the Communist Regime's State-Sanctioned Live Organ Harvesting
December 25, 2016 | By a Falun Gong practitioner in Japan
( Two documentary films on the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong were screened in Sumida District Council Member Oase Kensuke’s office in Tokyo, on December 19-20, 2016. The first film was the documentary Human Harvest, a Peabody Award winner, which exposed the Chinese Communist Party's state-sanctioned live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The second film was Free China: The Courage to Believe, which exposes the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
Viewers were appalled at the CCP's atrocities. Sumida District Council Member Oase Kensuke from Tokyo said that the CCP's live organ harvesting described in the film was true and that the numbers were shocking.
Sumida District Council Member Oase Kensuke of Tokyo
Council Member Oase Kensuke said, “The whole country is involved in the large scale of live organ harvesting. It cannot be tolerated by any country's law. But it has existed in China for many years. The main reason is that the CCP places itself above the Constitution.”
He continued, “To stop the crime of live organ harvesting, the CCP must be disintegrated.” He expressed hope that more people would stand up to support Falun Gong practitioners' efforts in opposing the persecution. He emphasized that stopping the CCP's atrocity of live organ harvesting is everyone's responsibility.
The documentary film Free China: The Courage to Believe won the award of free speech at the Inaugural 2012 Free Speech Film Festival, and won the top award at the 2012 Awareness Film Festival in West Hollywood on May 5, 2012. The film is based on the personal experiences of Dr. Charles Lee, originally from China and living in the US as an American citizen, and Jennifer Zeng, living in China and a former Communist Party member. Both began practicing Falun Gong in 1990s.
When the communist regime started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999 and put practitioners into labor camps, Zeng and Lee were imprisoned and tortured. The film reflects the current plight of China and suggests how China can achieve true freedom.
The documentary film Human Harvest describes the story of Nobel Peace Award nominee David Kilgour and David Matas, in their independent investigation of China's live organ harvesting and illicit trade. The film exposes the CCP's systematic live organ harvesting. The film won the 2015 Peabody award and the best international investigative documentary award from the Association for International Broadcasting in 2015.
Mr. Bei, who is working on an assessment of organ transplant tourism, said, “There is no intact donor system in China. Completing at least 60,000 organ transplants is unusual. Many organ transplant hospitals were established in China in recent years, and general hospitals also do organ transplants.”
One man said after watching the film, “This is my first time learning about the CCP's atrocity of live organ harvesting for illicit profit. It is inconceivable. The living part is shocking. It is beyond basic human ethics. Any normal person cannot remain silent about this.”
Many audience members bought related books after the screening, including Bloody Harvest: Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China, and An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: A Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind.
Hermoso paisaje.
Hermosas piedras al resistir el paso del tiempo.
Hermosa tierra, madre de la vida en el planeta.
Hermoso aire, azul, que lo cubre todo.
Hermoso árbol, alzándose hacia el cielo y aferrándose al suelo
Hermoso fotografía.
Que lindo lugar
Si nice
The roks are a rainbow.
So relaxing to look at
Que bonito
I particularly like the way the colours of the stones echo those in the sky, and the dramatic contrast they make with the greens
En e fkbfhdkfkg
In love you 😘😘😘
Now if I could just train my yucca to look like that !
لوهذي الاحجار عندنا كان قد صلحناها خواتم وسميناها عقيق
Wonderful image. It's my pleasure to share this beautiful image with the #LandscapePhotography theme, and to the +Landscape Photography page! Please check out all the great photos there including yours!!
Q padre se ve
انا ما افهم انجلش
+Chris Cullen can't be that hard right 🙂
qeprecioso. una,, belleza
یخبل منظر
N6o. Cult who. Green worksI
Prelepo !
السلام عليكم
Sehr schön pfotos +2.
Wowww 😮😮😮😮
Bonita fotografía, saludos ♥♥♥♥
e complimenti per i commenti che ci dai sui tuoi post…buona giornata-
Very sweet
( QUINTA-FEIRA 04/05/17 versículo do dia hoje) (Regozijai-vos sempre. Orai sem cessar. Em tudo dai graças, porque esta é a vontade de Deus em Cristo Jesus para convosco.
1Tessalonicenses 5:16â€-‬18 vamos ler a Bíblia pós pode nos ajudar muito, Jesus disse para Examina as Escrituras, Brasília DF 04/05/2017 EU bom dia na paz do senhor Jesus Cristo.
Nice post , Follow me as a friend +Gerard Blacklock
HaIIo hii
Espectacular gostei
its so nice
! Sahaj
Assis de que o dia que eu vi a sua tartaruga o é esse é o nil estava com o 💎💎💎💍💍💍💍💍💍💎💎💎💎💎💎
nice looking
السلام عليكم
Cox gozeldi
Dieu Merci
salut comment allez moi je me prenome rose et je vie as toulouse je vous souhaite une trés et excellente journée mopn mail est et je serais toujour connecté pour vous attendre ???
Conversar com você ontem derrubei o celular da minha mãe e eu chorei não sou sua amiga
Japanese Council Member: It’s Everyone's Responsibility to Stop the Communist Regime's State-Sanctioned Live Organ Harvesting
December 25, 2016 | By a Falun Gong practitioner in Japan
( Two documentary films on the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong were screened in Sumida District Council Member Oase Kensuke’s office in Tokyo, on December 19-20, 2016. The first film was the documentary Human Harvest, a Peabody Award winner, which exposed the Chinese Communist Party's state-sanctioned live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The second film was Free China: The Courage to Believe, which exposes the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
Viewers were appalled at the CCP's atrocities. Sumida District Council Member Oase Kensuke from Tokyo said that the CCP's live organ harvesting described in the film was true and that the numbers were shocking.
Sumida District Council Member Oase Kensuke of Tokyo
Council Member Oase Kensuke said, “The whole country is involved in the large scale of live organ harvesting. It cannot be tolerated by any country's law. But it has existed in China for many years. The main reason is that the CCP places itself above the Constitution.”
He continued, “To stop the crime of live organ harvesting, the CCP must be disintegrated.” He expressed hope that more people would stand up to support Falun Gong practitioners' efforts in opposing the persecution. He emphasized that stopping the CCP's atrocity of live organ harvesting is everyone's responsibility.
The documentary film Free China: The Courage to Believe won the award of free speech at the Inaugural 2012 Free Speech Film Festival, and won the top award at the 2012 Awareness Film Festival in West Hollywood on May 5, 2012. The film is based on the personal experiences of Dr. Charles Lee, originally from China and living in the US as an American citizen, and Jennifer Zeng, living in China and a former Communist Party member. Both began practicing Falun Gong in 1990s.
When the communist regime started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999 and put practitioners into labor camps, Zeng and Lee were imprisoned and tortured. The film reflects the current plight of China and suggests how China can achieve true freedom.
The documentary film Human Harvest describes the story of Nobel Peace Award nominee David Kilgour and David Matas, in their independent investigation of China's live organ harvesting and illicit trade. The film exposes the CCP's systematic live organ harvesting. The film won the 2015 Peabody award and the best international investigative documentary award from the Association for International Broadcasting in 2015.
Mr. Bei, who is working on an assessment of organ transplant tourism, said, “There is no intact donor system in China. Completing at least 60,000 organ transplants is unusual. Many organ transplant hospitals were established in China in recent years, and general hospitals also do organ transplants.”
One man said after watching the film, “This is my first time learning about the CCP's atrocity of live organ harvesting for illicit profit. It is inconceivable. The living part is shocking. It is beyond basic human ethics. Any normal person cannot remain silent about this.”
Many audience members bought related books after the screening, including Bloody Harvest: Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China, and An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: A Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind.