This wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on+BTP Landscape ProYou may want to add +Gerard Blacklock to follow the great works!You may also want to follow our sister pages +BTP Daily Highlight and +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page) or view daily large size shares on . Thank you , Enjoy your day !(Nancy Dempsey)
This stunning photograph has been selected as a most excellent share on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward and +Dave Tomek Tony Heyward
Magnificent capture :-))
Fantastic (ART) photo
Amazing colors
This wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on
+BTP Landscape Pro
You may want to add +Gerard Blacklock to follow the great works!
You may also want to follow our sister pages +BTP Daily Highlight and +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page) or view daily large size shares on . Thank you , Enjoy your day !
(Nancy Dempsey)
Great shot!!!
Nice shot!!
This stunning photograph has been selected as a most excellent share on #PhotoManiaAustralia +Photo Mania Australia curated by +Tony Heyward and +Dave Tomek Tony Heyward