5 Landscape orientation images stitched together in +Adobe Photoshop
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 70mm Aperture: f/18 and Shutter Speed: 1/3s
ISO 100
its like floating on soft monochromatic velvet
Next to honeymoon bay 🙂
Exif/setup love:
5 Landscape orientation images stitched together in +Adobe Photoshop
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 70mm Aperture: f/18 and Shutter Speed: 1/3s
ISO 100
out front – Hoya Circular Polariser
Beau travail
Picture…YES…Objects…Light…Graphics…) + ATMOSPHERE…COMPOSITION…
Lovely balance and simplicity.
Wow, stunning!! 🙂 Now, which one of those beauties is yours?!! Ha ha …. 😉
Beautiful black & white picture ☺ ☺ ☺
very nice. Is this how the 24-70 2.8 renders an image 🙂
Very beautiful B&W !
Mystery bay – fabulous spot. Camped there recently. Great pic btw lol
beautiful, nice photo..lovely..
wonderful capture, beautiful
Oh how lovely…
Very nice!
+Ruval Ruv
+Sacha Kisling
+Arne Lepla
+Chris Hamilton
+Elizabeth Testone
if only 🙁 then I would need to learn how to sail 🙂
+O. Sydney
cheers mate – 24-70 is a great normal focal length lens, perfect for panos and walkaround – damn sharp too…
Thankyou +Stephanie B. Regan
+sophie DIDIER
+ratnasari dewi
+Anna Rimovska
+Liz C
🙂 thankyou
+Walter Gawronski
cheers mate
+Loretta Leslie
thankyou – mystery bay is a great place, this is not the one near Narooma, which is much better I believe 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock now that's tempting but I doubt getting rid of Nikons cheap 50mm would help in covering its cost 😉
+O. Sydney
haha yeah – I have begged and borrowed this lens over the years finally got around to getting it 🙂
Wish picture was larger. Boats too distant. Do like mysterious grey color.
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