
An alternative view to the recent Cecil Hill series, rather than de-saturate the frame in this case i have accentuated the natural colour of the cracked dry earth and very recently bulldozed embankment.

Thanks to +Ian Browne for some great feedback on the previous shot which made me revisit a similar shot from the evening.

As with the previous image, this could be mistaken for being out west somewhere, not in the heart of western sydney a mere hour drive (pending traffic chaos) to the beach.

Techie data:
D7000 with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ 17mm Aperture: f/8 Shutter 30 seconds
out front – LEE Graduated Neutral Density Filter

Suggestions, comments and improvements? they are always warmly welcomed!

18 thoughts on “Parched

  1. Great shot Gerard! The colors and textures are excellent. A one thing that I noticed in the shot, I think I might crop a little off the top and right to get the tree in the "thirds". there is almost a little bit too much sky in the shot for me(but not much 😉 )

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