Qantas 747 departing YSSY. Its gotta be the most distinctive RPT aircraft in the world, only time and the A380 will change that I reckon

+TransportTuesday #747

+Sleepy Saturday curated by +Andrea Martinez and +Gemma Costa
+Speedy Saturday curated by +Patricia dos Santos Paton
+HQSP Urban & Street Photos curated by +Rhea Surgimath, +Alexandre Fagundes de Fagundes and +Michael Sonntag

11 thoughts on “Qantas 747 departing YSSY. Its gotta be the most distinctive RPT aircraft in the world, only time and the A380 will change that I reckon

  1. My six year old explains how to differentiate the 747 from a 380. The 747 has a strong muscular chest (the bulge on the front), while the 380 has a fat sausage body. 🙂

    Long live the 747, though unfortunately it has reached the end of its useful life. The 777 is a great, though uncharismatic, successor.

  2. hey both defy gravity, are boring to sit in for hours and if a choice, use the 380 at bottom level. The overhead storage is larger. the food courtesy quantas is highschool stuff at economy level. try Malaysia, Singapore and never ever fly Air France, for discomfort, sad service and food. try the 380 you might like it

  3. +Tony Thus Did they serve good food at your high school? They must have. The worst airline in earth would probably serve better food than the stuff I got at my high school…
    Try Singapore for discomfort? I take offense at that – Singapore and Singapore airlines are extremely comfortable and beat Qantas hands down.

  4. Sahir, high schools vary, as do airlines in service and foods. Read me again and you will see a.(full stop) and then refer to the mentioned airline coys with compliments. I failed to endorse the Hong Kong based airline, who i award full marks.

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