Rainwater Tank Complete

dsc_3567_2.jpgSo after a marathon effort of installing a concrete slab for the rainwater, the next phase was to establish the 3500L tank on the foundation of get some of the water off the roof and into the tank. SO the tank is about 30-40 metres away on the other side of the house and weighs in at about 70kg, how do you move this bulky item? well do as the romans did, well kinda…. Layed out several planks and slid it along, worked very well and did not damage the tank at all. Positioned the tank on the slab and checked for the correct level, it is so damn level you could gauge the rest of the house of it, on that note its probably the only level thing on the property!

With a little rework of the existing PVC piping and I had rain water flowing into the tank not problems, I will get some more piping and mate a more professional job of it but for now, with rain coming down it should be fine.

Now if your wondering where to purchase a rainwater tank on the mid north coast, Camden Haven Tanks would be an excellent place to start, they specialise in “aquaplate” steel tanks which are BHP (or Bluescope, depending on their name today) steel sheeting with a food grade plastic lining. These guys get the sheet and roll the corrugations and form up tanks to suit whatever size you like!

Camden Haven Tanks

4 Flinders Drv, Laurieton, NSW 2443

p: (02) 6559 7421

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