Normally for me photography is a opportunity to gain some solice, some time to myself, however this is often not possible with the family and two young girls. Hence I have taken to asking chaos (the older one) if she would like to come along and help, well I don't need to ask her twice.. 🙂
Soooo.. i think I can call it a success, time well spent with chaos and i did get a few shots I like out of it, which leads me to the next point – I did not actually press the shutter button for this panorama, chaos had control of the wireless remote and pressed it for the 12 shot bracketed pano 🙂 so technically she probably holds part of the copyright 🙂
It was enjoyable, if not alittle frustrating 🙂 instructions were given to press the shutter remote when I was ready and said so.. well she took immense enjoyment and plenty of giggles at pressing the shutter release midway me setting the shot up or swivelling the camera for the next bracket which left me with lots and lots of shots of random compositions 🙂
Anyway, this pano did work out ok, thanks for the laughs chaos.
Techie data:
12 shot bracketed panorama (4 sets of 3 images)
D7000 with Nikkor 17-55mm f2.8 @ 19mm- Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 0.5s, 1/8s & 2s
out front – LEE Graduated filter (0.9)
I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed and always appreciate the time people take to have a look, plus and/or comment.
I think the photographic memory,many years from now, will be of your daughter and not this picture 🙂 love the story and picture
+Gerard Blacklock everyone needs a little 'chaos' in their lives 😉 gets the creative energies pumping 😀 Still a lovely shot 🙂
Gerard, one of the best shots, I've seen for a good while !
At work today, chatting with a Truckie, he lives there, and goes snorkeling with the whales as they migrate !
Thanks for sharing ..😊
+Rama Drama
very very true, even now looking at it, it reminds me of her 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment.
Thanks +Kitten KaboodleInc , her nickname is chaos for a very good reason 🙂 I got in trouble years ago when I changed the 'baby on board' sticker for the car to '
babychaos on board' 🙁thanks +Adam L , this is great part of the east coast, I really love it and I am lucky enough to get up there quite often.
I have not done much snorkelling there for some time, I did hear they had a shark attack at kylies beach awhile back and just the other day there was a shark in the river/inlet, apparently they head in there to breed or something.. eek 🙂
It's a friction' beauty mate! Awesome as usual.
Chaos rules !
Your other daughters name wouldn't be Mayhem would it :))
Lol John! Good story and great looking image.
Gerard, yes mate, indeed you are lucky to get there often !
I mentioned to the Truckie, that next big road trip north, I must stay a couple of days, ..
it's been way too long, since I've been there !!
Yes, you are right, about the sharks, this bloke lives 2 minutes walk from the beach and has the river, for his backyard !! How cool , can it get ??…..Never mind the sharks, …they are just, really big fish….with, really, really big , sharp teeth !! Haha 😃😊
+Gerard Blacklock hahaha! Oh you didn't!! ..did you?? :p
Great shot little one.
Great shot .. Thank you 🙂
But look at the fun she had 🙂
Nothing was lost and got a nice image to boot.
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Thank you , Enjoy your day !
(Nancy Dempsey)
Seriously wonderful!
This is the perfect picture!
Thanks +Lacey Dally and +Michael Domaradzki
+John Campbell
chaos does rule 🙂 lol my other daughter is tickles 🙂 however I am liking mayhem and time will tell if that is more suitable 😉
Thanks +Ray Harris
+Adam L and that's what scares me..very very sharp teeth 🙂 i had a little crab latch onto my finger the other day up there and shit did that hurt , imagine how it would be with big teeth or claws..
Do make sure you stay there a week… plenty to see Crowdy Bay nat park is a must see..
+Kitten KaboodleInc
I did 🙂
Thanks +Terri Guerra – i'll pass it on 😉
Thanks +Mutita EdibleArt
+Walter Gawronski very true – everything gained!
Thankyou for looking and commenting
+BTP Landscape Pro
+Geoff Moffatt
+mariana alexandru
and +sooz myhill
+Gerard Blacklock hehehe! Thats awesome ;-))
+Kitten KaboodleInc
not everyone thought so 🙁 consequently there are no sticker/signs for child #2
+Gerard Blacklock ohh :/
+Gerard Blacklock this is beautiful! Enjoyed the story, 🙂
Thankyou +Michelle Sledgeski
Okay, Crowdy Bay Nasho it is,
thanks for the tip, Gerard ! 😊
Love the gorgeous colors!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!! It's my pleasure to share your amazing photo to the +Landscape Photography page! Check out all the great photos there including yours!!
+Margaret Tompkins
Thanks !
Gorgeous !
Wonderful shot and story all well presented. Also enjoyed reading over the comments of others.
Wow!! Gorgeous!
Thanks +Uday Arya
Thanks +Ben Wesley and +Liz S-B